Friday, January 7, 2011

GAWN in 60 seconds

I attended Josh Wright's SEC617 training and have been attempting to study/prep for the GAWN Certification.  Well, with the holidays, work and such I now only have 30 days left so I thought I'd document my journey.  I have a pretty decent wlan hacking pedigree, but I'll expose more details for those who are just interested in following along at home.  The GIAC certs allow printed materials, but to use the books from the course you'll need to create a Table Of Contents and Index.  These are posted 

from the previous class but they needed updating, so that's where I started.  The Table of contents is finished and index is almost there.  It's amazing how much you refresh your memory converting and/or creating these.  I hope to have these finished and use them for the pretest in the next few weeks.  I'll post them as well.